Intention is change
fueled and a core piece of village raising.
Behind every goal, strategic plan, meeting or collaborative encounter
there is an intention lurking. The idea is to become increasingly more mindful
to the intentions, bringing them from our subconscious to our consciousness so
that we can be more direct and aware of the path we are setting.
One of the leading gurus on intention, Dr.
Wayne Dyer says, "The secret to changing your life is in your
intentions. Wishing, hoping and goal setting cannot accomplish change without
intention. What is needed is a shift from the inert energy of wanting to the
active energy of doing and intention".
Where can we surface intent while working with others?
As designers of creative group processes, we have reflected
on some practical ways in which
mindful intent beckons us to bring it front and center. Here is what has worked
for us:
Physical space/environment: Before a gathering even occurs, think about
the location of your meeting. Being
intentional in the spaces we choose sets the tone for the type of interaction we hope will evolve. If you are
thinking creative - be playful and unexpected with the environment. If you are thinking renewal and rejuvenation
– design a space to be calm and filled with natural elements. If you are thinking relationship building and
networking – use a space to allow movement and connection.
Agendas: Imagine
starting every agenda clearly stating what your intent is for the day and
giving space to learn what other people’s intents are. Design an agenda that offers an opportunity
for people to share. The moment intents are spoken out loud there is a
transparent and open agenda that increases trust. Intent
expresses clear expectations.
Guiding principles/Ground Rules: Build on your mindful meeting magic by
crafting questions that have your group think intently together. For example,
ask a key question such as, “how do we want to be together?” and feel the
intent in the room. In this form, intents are the commitment to each
other in the collaborative effort. What if every person set their own intent to
be responsible for their own reactions and level of participation? Ask people
to set intent around how they will handle their own feelings/reactions/learning
and speak to it. In this case intent is
accountability. Think about work
plans clear in intent and imagine what could be accomplished!
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