A Year of Raising the Village - Week #39: Re-energize - 7 Easy Ways to Bring Humour to Your Work!
When’s the last time you bust a seam while at the water cooler? Let off some steam as a team? Did the co-worker stomach clutch while tears trickled down your face?
It's been awhile, you may say, there’s complex issues, big deadlines, budget constraints and unmet client challenges...where’s the humour in that?
Perhaps that’s all the more reason to find where your group chuckle lies. According to this list – there are more than 101 ways to create humor at work! This list holds MORE than clown costumes and fun. In fact, it highlights ways to create better leaders, build engaged relationships and increase productivity (all of which are prime Village Raising components)!
Here we highlight 7 at work re-energizers that caught our eye (do adapt these to any group, team, or organization you work with):
1. Post it: post on a bulletin board in the common area; take turns with coworkers posting different topics on the board (add some light and "getting to know you" topics)
2. Get Cartoony: start a cartoon board and post fav. Illustrations
3. Showcase your kids – start a mural of “look at what my kid made” – team members will be sure to delight
4. Tell the future: Build a paper fortune teller using work lingo
5. Mix it up: Create work appropriate (and self selected) nicknames for people on your team using anagrams (or make pirate names, or name your department or…)
6. Improv.: Play improv. games as a team
7. Pin ups: Make a themed calendar full of pictures of your group
For the full list go to: http://www.humorthatworks.com/how-to/101-ways-to-create-humor-at-work
Village Raising Question:
How do you bring humour to work? What’s the benefit to you and for others?
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