A year of Raising the Village Week #19. Got Youth?
Picture some of the most important social movements in history-- think 1960's, think Free the Children. Now consider the roles young people played. Chances are they played a biggie. There can be something beautifully un-edited about a young person’s approach to world views. They will say it “like it is” with their own unique evolving perspective and are often willing to challenge or shift the status quo.
With this is mind, we were pumped when asked to present and interact with our local high school’s Social Justice class around the topic of children’s rights and community work. The youth lived up to the "willing to shift the status quo" thinking. They brainstormed ideas around child right’s education kits and discussed how these kits could impact our community. They participated in interactive activities, without so much as a groan (unlike some adults we know). The photo above shows the class in the middle of one of our Raising the Village map exercises. How it works: The blanket lists many different types of “communities” that make up a village while children and families are at the centre. Slowly the village is collapsed with real life situations and non-collaborative re-enactments. In the end, the youth stepped in with their social justice knowledge and gave us ideas of how the village could be stronger (i.e. move in closer, more people take an edge, support one another in times of need etc.). Their responses came out slowly with a laser-like quality to cut through the complexity of community relationships... making it seem simple.
The experience made us stop and think...how many people are engaging with youth - even when the issue at hand seems only to have an in-direct link? How many community building efforts could benefit from their laser-like perspective?
Village Raising Question:
What process do you have (or want) in place for meaningful (not tokenism) youth interactions? What will you do to see this happen?
Oh ... and be sure to check out this resource: http://www.freechild.org/YouthVoice/intro.htm - for a youth voice toolbox and principles for authentic youth engagement.
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