A Year of Raising the Village.
Week #51: Evolve Your Work Streams.
Nearing the end of one year and heading into a new. For many of us this seems like a naturally good time to pause, ponder and set new intentions. If you look back to the last blog of December 2010 we set our intention to provide you with 52 community building ideas ( A Year of Raising the Village).
Our notion was to bring a range of ideas from simple relationship building events and activities to larger social and organizational change strategies. We think we’ve done this (but, you tell us!) and in the process we have evolved and become clearer on our “streams” of our Village Raising work.
Why not take this time of year to re-describe and get to know what your current work streams are?
It can help:
- Summarize how you are meeting your goals and intentions
- Focus your scope so that people can easily connect and interact with the messages you offer
- Serve as an evaluation on how you evolve along the way
- Focus your scope so that people can easily connect and interact with the messages you offer
- Serve as an evaluation on how you evolve along the way
We’ve become more clear that the work of Raising the Village currently has two streams, one that focuses on “It takes a Village to Raise a Child” which is our work around building communities that nourish and support their youngest citizens thereby nourishing our future. Our other stream of work is around organizational collaboration, team building and strengthened leadership capacity.
To help you easily connect with these two streams we have broken some of our blog titles from the year into the two sections.
It Takes a Village to Raise a Child & Early Years Community Development:
RTV #1 - Tumble Down Fences & Throw a Block Party!...
RTV #2 - Double Dipping Allowed! Fondue & Raclette...
Living the African Proverb
RTV #4 - Sharpen Your View! Distribute Cameras to ...
RTV #5 - CREATE a relationship with children and n...
RTV #6 - Welcome to our Community, Little One!
RTV # 7- HAVE IMPACT! Support ART as a catalyst fo...
RTV #8 - Build a Community Play Space
RTV # 13 Plant Seeds! Community Gardens!
RTV #15 Blitz a family friendly business crusade!
RTV# 16 Balance Screen Time!
RTV #17 Unite Families with a Group Garage Sale
RTV # 19 - Got Youth?
RTV #20 - Support and be Supported by a Service Cl...
RTV #25 Creative Give-a-ways!
RTV# 47 Champion the Champions
RTV # 48 Find the bright spots.
Collaboration, Team Building, Change Efforts, Leadership, Group Process:
RTV Week #10 - Talk: Then Put it into Practice!
RTV #11 - Gather and share stories about what com...
RTV #12 - Carpool!
RTV #14 Embrace Change. Spark Change
RTV #18 Chase new friends - using the golden rules...
RTV #21: Who gets the job– the good listener, the ...
RTV #22 - Top 10 little actions
RTV# 23 - MORE little things we can all do
RTV # 24 - Research, go for a variety!
RTV#26 Locate your Playing Field!
RTV # 27 Make A Movement - your way!
RTV #28 The trust building tango.
RTV #29 Are you up for a 30 Day Challenge?
RTV# 30 - Have you tried the chicken-scratch napki...
RTV #31 - Find What Binds You!
RTV - #32 Break the Ice
RTV #33 - Turning Cantankerous into Cooperative!
RTV # 34 - Make the Invisible -- Visible!
RTV# 35 ChargeYour Group B.S. Meter! Oh Yeah!
RTV #36 - 10 Secrets of Sustained Innovation
RTV # 38 - Remembering to Play (with Vince Gowmon...
RTV #39 - Re-energize: 7 Easy Ways to Bring Humour...
RTV#40 De-fuzz: Express Clearly!
RTV#41 The Devil's Advocate
RTV #42 - Get it in writing
RTV# 44 One WORD at a time!
RTV # 45 Tips for group toys
RTV #46 - The shared experience of absurdity
Let us know what you think.
RTV #1 - Tumble Down Fences & Throw a Block Party!...
RTV #2 - Double Dipping Allowed! Fondue & Raclette...
Living the African Proverb
RTV #4 - Sharpen Your View! Distribute Cameras to ...
RTV #5 - CREATE a relationship with children and n...
RTV #6 - Welcome to our Community, Little One!
RTV # 7- HAVE IMPACT! Support ART as a catalyst fo...
RTV #8 - Build a Community Play Space
RTV # 13 Plant Seeds! Community Gardens!
RTV #15 Blitz a family friendly business crusade!
RTV# 16 Balance Screen Time!
RTV #17 Unite Families with a Group Garage Sale
RTV # 19 - Got Youth?
RTV #20 - Support and be Supported by a Service Cl...
RTV #25 Creative Give-a-ways!
RTV# 47 Champion the Champions
RTV # 48 Find the bright spots.
Collaboration, Team Building, Change Efforts, Leadership, Group Process:
RTV Week #10 - Talk: Then Put it into Practice!
RTV #11 - Gather and share stories about what com...
RTV #12 - Carpool!
RTV #14 Embrace Change. Spark Change
RTV #18 Chase new friends - using the golden rules...
RTV #21: Who gets the job– the good listener, the ...
RTV #22 - Top 10 little actions
RTV# 23 - MORE little things we can all do
RTV # 24 - Research, go for a variety!
RTV#26 Locate your Playing Field!
RTV # 27 Make A Movement - your way!
RTV #28 The trust building tango.
RTV #29 Are you up for a 30 Day Challenge?
RTV# 30 - Have you tried the chicken-scratch napki...
RTV #31 - Find What Binds You!
RTV - #32 Break the Ice
RTV #33 - Turning Cantankerous into Cooperative!
RTV # 34 - Make the Invisible -- Visible!
RTV# 35 ChargeYour Group B.S. Meter! Oh Yeah!
RTV #36 - 10 Secrets of Sustained Innovation
RTV # 38 - Remembering to Play (with Vince Gowmon...
RTV #39 - Re-energize: 7 Easy Ways to Bring Humour...
RTV#40 De-fuzz: Express Clearly!
RTV#41 The Devil's Advocate
RTV #42 - Get it in writing
RTV# 44 One WORD at a time!
RTV # 45 Tips for group toys
RTV #46 - The shared experience of absurdity
Let us know what you think.
What do you want more of? Less of?
What else could we provide that would boost your village raising efforts?
How do our streams align with what you are after?
While we have split our work into two sorting sections it is still intertwined. If using the metaphor of "streams" consider two streams that evolve, change and flow into a larger body of water... or in our case into the bigger village that connects us all.
Watch for next week’s blog which will go even deeper into our streams and uncover what we have learned in the Year of Raising the Village.
Village Raising Questions:
What are your work streams? When is it time to re-describe and theme them?
Village Raising Questions:
What are your work streams? When is it time to re-describe and theme them?
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