Monday, October 24, 2011

RTV #43 Know it, gift it!

A Year of Raising the Village: Week #43 Know it, gift it.

Drum roll please...we have a WINNER for the 1st annual RTV Know it Design Scholarship. And the winner is...

Before we reveal the name (and to keep you reading for a tad) let us offer up a bit of backgrounder behind this whole notion of a RTV Design scholarship. How did it come to be?
If you’ve read our book, followed our blog or participated in one of our workshops, then you know we are huge “come from a place of strength” believers. So when it was time to co-create our latest Raising the Village work plan we decided to redesign and add pieces to our village raising efforts that were largely based on our strengths. Now it’s one thing to know your strengths and another to offer them up. Voila, we decided to gift a free of charge scholarship to ONE lucky applicant.

What is this Know It Design Experience you ask? It’s for people who are:

  • Looking for inspired agenda or workshop planning

  • Seeking new engagement strategies

  • Needing a fresh perspective or some facilitation clarity

  • Wanting more energized collaboration

  • Planning an important community meeting or initiative – but want more ideas on how to proceed (or maybe don’t even know where to start).
It’s for those that want to
1. Know Yourself (your leadership, mindset, goals, strengths)
2. Know Your Group (the group’s goals, vision, development)
3. Pick a Process (a process that moves forward your goals)

Based on the thoughtful applications we received there are definitely people looking for this type of experience. We are incredibly grateful for all of the applicants in this year’s scholarship. We want to work with all of you and will be in touch with some additional ways to connect. Thank you for taking the time to reflect on your community/group goals and for sharing these with us. We hold your responses in great regard and feel inspired by the amazing scope of leadership out there! These applications were true testaments of what you do know about your groups and the gifts you bring to them.

Alas, there can only be one winner. Drum roll please... the winner is Sally Christie of New Zealand. Congratulations Sally, we’ll be in touch!

Tammy & Tracy

Village Raising Question: What are your strengths? How do you gift them?

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