Monday, September 12, 2011

RTV # 37 - Extra, all about it

A Year of Raising the Village - Week 37 - Extra, all about it

 We live in an age that media has a massive influence on what we focus on, talk about and believe. Isn't it fascinating what make the news?  Some days there is "scratch your head and wonder" kind of content - and other times there is emotion filled and paradigm shifting information.

Community groups can do an environmental scan of "what's making the news" and how it relates to the topic/issue/concern at hand.  Is your group focused on the early years, parenting, child rights, poverty, literacy or [insert your topic here]? Whatever your focus, try the following group activity to broaden perspectives about your issue by connecting it with hot topics in the media. You never know, it may also help find new partners or drum up some innovative community action!

What's worked for us:
Take a copy of a newspaper,  we use different sections of a big paper or the main sections of several different newspapers. You will get a slightly different flavour by choosing either local, big city and even foreign papers.

Have small groups cut out and paste their chosen articles onto flip chart paper and explore and record what ways they can connect the News with your community building focus.

Go beyond the obvious!! For example an article about prisons has an important connection with the early years. Related issues include prevention, resiliency, education, parent support and child protection.

Ask questions such as:
  • what is going on in the news that provides a different perspective on community?
  • do common themes emerge from this activity?

You can also find this activity in our book (pg 40), Raising the Village.  ***Our e-book Action-guide Series will be ready soon. There will be 4 books, all filled with our absolute favourite group activities along the following themes;
  1. Dealing with Data
  2. Village Raising Strategies
  3. Projects from idea to evaluation
  4. Sustaining your group and your work
 Stay tuned!

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